






download the Statutes on PDF:


All new Sections of AICA have to be presented by the Executive Bureau in Paris, first to the Electoral and Membership Commission, then by them to the Association’s Administrative Council, and then to the General Assembly, for approval and endorsement. The terms of adhesion are outlined in the new Statutes of the Association, approved by the General Assembly in Martinique on 16 November 2003 and implemented with the guidance of the Association’s Regulations, the latest version of which was endorsed by the General Assembly in Barcelona, Spain, in November 2008. Copies of the new Statutes and Regulations may be found on the Association’s website: StatutesRegulations

If you wish to propose a new Section, for admission to AICA, you should, in the first instance, send the following documents to the Executive Bureau, in Paris:


Statutes of the National Association. These should be based as closely as possible on the new AICA Statutes, after taking local factors, including national legislation, into account. (The ‘Statutes of a National Section’, which are posted on the AICA website, are intended merely as a guide, but may be of assistance to you, in setting the drafting process in motion).


List of members, with a completed standard biographical form for each member, in one of the Association’s three official languages (English, French, Spanish)and with accompanying evidence, in electronic or any other form (desiranly, but not necessarily, in any of the three official languages of AICA). Note: the ‘Biographical Form’ which has to be used and ‘Users’ Guide to the Biographical Form’ are to be found on the AICA website at the following page “Biographical form”

List of members of the Bureau of the National Section, including a note of the principal Office Holders (President, Secretary and Treasurer)


You should note that, as a rule, the Administrative Council meets once in around February and a second time immediately before the General Assembly, which tends to be held in the second half of the year.


Text revised on 30 June 2005 and still available.